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Practical Tips For Moving House

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    Moving House

    There are a million and one things to think about when planning a house move and so we have compiled this condensed list in order to help you move smoothly:

    1. Don’t forget about the property that you are leaving behind. Many people move into their new homes before the sale has gone through on their old homes. This means that their previous property may remain unoccupied for several weeks or months until the sale is finally processed. Some home insurance policies will offer you up to 30 days of cover even after you have vacated your home. In other instances, you may need to think about opening an unoccupied house insurance policy for this period. From bank sourced insurance such as a Santander policy through to online only policies, if you are at all unsure about anything it is worthwhile taking the time to contact your insurers and discuss the matter through with them.

    2. Be ruthless. If it hasn’t added to the quality of your life within the last six months, chuck it. If you can’t remember the last time you used it or wore it, it has to go. This is no time for holding on to possessions for which you no longer care. Remember, the more stuff you have, the longer the move will take.

    3. Keep your end goal in sight. Moving house is hard work and there is no getting away from that. It will take time and effort and it will most likely be exhausting. But you made the decision when you fell in love with your new property. Remember what it was that drew you there and try to keep in mind the ways in which it will improve your quality of life once you are nicely settled in. You are more than likely to find that all your hard work is well rewarded.

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